Free beta Reputation+ testers and 4 tips
It's been a wild ride since I initially began this newsletter
Hello PR@ctical community. What once was a weekly commitment to sending you the best tips, tools and resources for our industry became more sporadic until it slowly turned into a slow drip and then shut down.
Why? The short answer is because my company was growing, I was building and making things for our industry and perhaps a tad overcommitted.
I have reprioritized and restructured things so that this email will come WHEN there’s good stuff to share versus HAVING to send it because of a schedule.
With all of the recent AI buzz for our industry, I have a list of 100+ different resources I’ve been testing and will share faves in the next few editions.
For now, here is important industry info in a condensed, easy-to-digest list (as is the PR@ctical way):
Axios Communications has an “Monthly Moves” section. It will hit inboxes tomorrow. Last call for job updates. (TIP: Great for comms jobs earned media)
I have a new feature series in Hackernoon called POWER LEADERS. If you work with an inspiring tech leader who should be featured, read a previous edition and pitch me: (TIP: High SEO and ranks high long term)
Help the industry. Muck Rack’s “State of PR" survey is now open! Take the survey here.
How do you track a brand’s reputation? With the help of AI, I’ve been building a new Reputation+ system to help PR pros from a biz dev side (show a brand they need PR support) and to establish new industry measurement best practices. Want to try it out? Just email me.
BONUS TIP: With a portion of Twitter’s recommendation algo being made public, threads are more important than ever. When people stay on someone’s profile for 2 minutes or more, it increases your recommendation chances.
Keep up!
My latest about the PR industry in Entrepreneur:
In service,