Links to more than 200 journalists on Threads
introducing Quality of Attention (QOA) and how it will change how you show value
Communication is both an art of sharing information and a strategic instrument for creating connections, igniting growth, and creating a trusted reputation.
How do we measure this? I have a new concept I’m working on and would love your input.
Quality of Attention (QOA): Redefining Value & Influence
The proliferation of niche newsletters, podcasts, and live audio shows has demonstrated a critical insight: reach doesn't equate to influence. A message heard by a million people, yet resonating with none, is less impactful than a message reaching a few hundred engaged and actively responsive audience members. This is where Q.O.A comes into play.
Q.O.A is a compilation metric that prioritizes the depth of engagement over the breadth of reach.
It quantifies not just the volume of your audience, but their active participation, the significance of their engagement, and the resonance of your messages. It's a measurement that insists on quality, not just quantity.
This pivot towards active engagement, as measured by Q.O.A., challenges us to redefine success in PR. It asks us to focus on fostering meaningful interactions and compelling our audience to take action — be it sharing content, engaging in a dialogue, or making a purchase.
But how can PR professionals track and report Q.O.A.?
It starts with reevaluating, combining and adding to the metrics we currently use. Instead of solely focusing on impressions or views, we need to pay attention to engagement rates, time spent on content, shares, comments, or even the quality of discourse that our content generates. We can use social listening tools, engagement analytics, and sentiment analysis to get a comprehensive understanding of our audience's quality of attention.
Adopting Q.O.A. as a part of your reporting metrics to clients will offer a holistic view of the actual influence your PR campaigns have, going beyond simple reach.
This approach to measurement aligns more closely with Reputation+ (our version of reputation management) and brand perception.
It's not just about how many we're speaking to, but how profoundly our messages echo with them. After all, the best communications spark not just attention, but meaningful connections.
More than 200 journalists on Threads
Wish someone would give you a list of journalists using Threads? What if it was also organized by outlet or beat?
I’m currently doing just that. It’s a manual work in progress, and here is what is available to date:
As always, thanks for reading this slice of practical advice.
In service,
p.s. here’s a bonus tool for you
IT HURTS BRAND EQUITY WITH MEDIA WHEN WE SHARE "STORIES" THAT AREN'T ACTUALLY STORIES. Have you ever been asked to pitch stories you *know* aren't stories? It's that uncomfortable moment where there is a brand story, not a media moment.
A modified version of a matrix I use to designate what goes where: