Happy Wednesday, Team PR@ctical. Love that this group is growing and so many people value learning practical and tactical ideas to work better (in 3 scrolls or less).
Data is beautiful… on Clubhouse
Want to see who is using Clubhouse? Take a look at this new research from
Here is my regularly updated list of Clubhouse resources. Bookmark, save and reference. 👉 I’m there as @sarahevans.
When is the best time to post?
If you’re strategic when you post on social networks it can impact how and when your content is seen.
I made handy guide based on the most recent data available for popular networks:
Virtual Meeting Tools to Make Life Easier?
Record Zoom with Virtual Assistant — in beta and free, so you get what you pay for, but it’s a step in the right direction to help us retain and reference what we’re actually meeting about
Reduce virtual meeting fatigue with more audio — Yac
I hope you all remain safe and well.
In service,
Thanks for the tip on Yac. I'm fooling around with it as a possible way to connect my field teams with their customers for quick text-message-like updates. Could be useful.